Thursday, August 30, 2007

time does heal...

Time heals right? Well how f***ing long do I have to wait? I do realize that when someone you care about most hurts you that it will take time to get over it. I do not hold grudges. I am a forgiving person but with an overactive imagination that floods my emotional pool that
I thought I was able to keep at a calm. It is easy to tell somebody else how to live their life. We say "get over it" yet cannot listen to our own advice even when we give it willingly to those we love and care about. Does this mean I don't love myself enough to take my own advice? Do you think that we project our feelings and emotions onto others because we are too terrified to listen to ourselves? It feels like a huge weight is lifted off of your shoulders when you tell a friend what they need to do with their life in order for them to be happy because it is actually what you wish to say to yourself but for some reason you just don't listen.


Gretta James said...

I think it's gona take a heap of time xx


KellyNerd said...

Great post... i like the picture too... what the heck are they??

Anonymous said...

hi there my name is ice. im from the philippines. i've been reading your blog for quite sometime now. and i can relate to all of them... just give yourself sometime. we all have our own time table.. i was in a 3 years relationship and before i thought i wud never forget HIM. but after thinking of the things i have gained because of the break up.. ---? i realized that i dont deserve him, that im much better without him.


Carrie said...

Time heals... but damn does it ever take a long time; some days it feels like forever... but when that feeling stops, or you stop thinking of it... it's done.

Anonymous said...

"I don't love myself enough to take my advice" what I needed to hear. How is it we can be so good at seeing what others need to do in order to be healthy, but it's impossible to DO what WE need to do!? A struggle of mine anyway...