Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pay attention to your senses

You can't control your feelings so instead of convincing yourself of something, listen to your body because it doesn't lie. Your body gives you signals that tell you your happy or unhappy. Your heart races with excitement, aches when you are sad or pounds when you are angry. You get the butterflies when the moment is magical or you feel like your insides were ripped out when things go wrong. You can't talk yourself into wanting something you simply don't physically desire. Pay attention to your senses and literally go with your gut's always right.


Gretta James said...

You're so right but what happens when the one thing that made you so happy begins to make you so sad and you pine for the days when it made you happy to return and you chance it because well because it really was that good?

Gretta xx

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! I totally agree.

KellyNerd said...

sometimes my gut lies to me... or my heart overrules it! =(


Dude... I know you're like, only in the next office from me and all, but where ya been? You haven't written in so long and I miss the blogger T.

Sara Sue said...

Where you at, Crackah?