Friday, August 10, 2007

Who am I?

I make fun of people to get a laugh. I have a bad temper. I don't feel sorry for people. I get upset when I see animals abused on TV but barely bat and eyelash when people get murdered. I tell fibs to avoid hurting others. I like to flirt shamelessly with boys knowing full well I am not taking them home. Sometimes I don't brush my teeth in the morning. I hold things inside until I finally blow up at others who are often undeserving of it. I pee in the shower. I say horrible things under my breath to bad drivers. I have a really hard time telling people I care about them. I only like to hug certain friends and family. I used to make fun of people who watched CSI and now I am addicted. I don't like my friends dog...I think she is borderline retarded. I say things that are politically incorrect (see previous sentence). I have a nice figure, so I am told, but I constantly look in the mirror and tell myself I am fat. I think about what I am going to eat for the day as soon as I get out of bed. I am addicted to using the Entertainment book and try to only eat at those listed because I am cheap. I give the middle finger when I walk passed my neighbour's door because I think she is a miserable old spinster who complains too much. I hardly ever have my dog on a leash. Children annoy me. This is who I am. I will try to do my best to stop being negative and be more loving...but I can't promise you anything.


Gretta James said...

I quite like you just the way you are.

You remind me of me and I'm the shiz lol.

Gretta xx


All that and I still think you're the bomb too!

Anonymous said...

What an honest post. Quirky and fun! :)

KellyNerd said...

Wow. I admire, love, respect and am totally, honestly and completely impressed with your honesty.

You are awesome!

jl said...

I found your blog through another blog. I love this post. thnkas, it made me smile. I think I need to do a similar one for myself.

melodyann said...

Lord, you could be my twin. Except I really AM fat. I wanna be your new best friend...