Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Laugh out loud

I love to laugh, who doesn't really? It makes you giddy, gives you goose bumps, and boosts your spirit. Why is it that you laugh harder when you know you are not suppose to? Like when you are in an elevator or classroom and it's dead silent...and your friend or co-worker does something silly or gives you a look and you feel the blood rush to your face, your ears get hot, eyes water and the giggles begin. People also seem to laugh at the most inappropriate times. For example my girlfriend decided (after several beers) to hop on some little kids bike and careen down a pot holed road. She flew like a pebble in a sling shot over the handlebars and ended up face down on the pavement with the bike wound up in her legs like a pretzel. She was definitely in pain...but the group of drunken gals' broke out into hysterics with some snorts thrown in and all my friend could utter out as she gasped for air with the handlebars wedged between her chest was "don't laugh now...laugh later", which only made the guffaws even louder! Then your body comes down for that burst of energy and jitters and you sigh loudly and re-call the event in your head...and it sends you back into hysterics.
This is the picture of my girlfriend who thought riding a kids bike after finishing a bottle of wine was a good idea...


Beth said...

I agree-you have to be able to laugh at yourself! Laughter is one of the life's greatest joys.

KellyNerd said...

Riding a bike after finishing a bottle of wine... sounds like a fun idea... the mom in me says put on full hockey gear first though!

Anonymous said...

I love the "don't laugh now, laugh later"... I've wanted to say that before when I know they are all laughing more AT me than with me. ;)