Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"Deal" with it

I just want one. I don't want to make a choice. I want it to be easy. Why is it when you finally break loose from wanting and needing someone, meet a completely new person...then the one you broke loose from creeps up from behind and knocks you on your ass again? It is an interesting phenomenon...just when you think to yourself "my life is on track and I am in control"...BAM you're hit with a left hook and all you see is flashes of what could have been, should have been...might have been and could still be.

I am dealt a great hand but I always throw back two cards and ask the dealer for more....just for the excitement! Go on "take a chance" I say..."what's the worse that could happen?" I get dealt two new cards and now my odds of winning are slim to none...do I bluff, pretend everything is OK, be strong and throw in a couple chips and face what's coming to me? Or do I fold, give up and wait until the next hand is dealt, which could be far worse than what I have in my hand right now? I throw the extra chips...what the hell...I lose the round but I feel that the next round will be more exciting than the last....Deal me in!

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