Monday, April 2, 2007

Dysfunction Junction

Growing up I thought I was the only kid on the block who grew up in a nut house. In high school I would go to my friend’s house for family dinners and think..."is this what normal is supposed to be?" But as I grew older I realized that there is no such thing as a "normal" family. There is sibling rivalry, unless you are an only child, then you are usually weird or spoiled rotten, trust me, we can spot you a mile away...but we still love you. Then there is the strange cousin who everyone feels sorry for but still won't sit beside them at family dinners and the token drunk who seems to make an ass out of themselves at every family function. And I won't forget the denial our parents were in when growing up. When your teenage daughter asks to go to a sleep over at her friend’s house...chances are she experimenting with boys and drinking whatever mix they concocted from one of the parents basement bars. Until this day, my dad never thought it strange that I really enjoyed playing barbies, watching movies and eating popcorn every weekend at 16/17 years of age...DENIAL!

This story stemmed from a birthday dinner at my "second" family's house on the weekend. They are a hilarious group of individuals who each have their own unique characteristics and quirks, but damn are they entertaining. I don't know any other family who talks about blow jobs and starting a family grow-op over birthday cake. I wouldn't trade them for the world!



Ok boner (saying that word makes me giggle)... you haven't posted since Tuesday, what's up with that? And whad'did I tell you about bloggers expecting you post every day?


... make that Monday. You haven't posted since Monday.