Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sprung a Leak

Why do I have such a difficult time letting people into my life? I think that I have learned to tuck my emotions under the sheets so that no one can judge or ask questions. I keep things to myself mostly and I use humour to express my feelings. This can be very effective and makes others more comfortable but it does not take that crushing weight off of my shoulders that I sometimes feel.
I am very wary of who I let into my emotional bubble and those of you who are close to me know how hard it was to break down that giant cement barrier I built to protect myself. But slowly as the years past, I sprung a leak. I am learning to let people in, see me for who I am, all my flaws, all my issues, all my hurt and all my joy. By letting those I care about into my life fully and completely I realized that they do not judge, they do not ask, they simply listen and love me for who I am and I want to thank you for finally letting me let you in.


Cute Jewess said...

What beautiful graphics you've got here! I'm working on that too--the whole letting people in thing. Rock on with your leaky self.

Um, that didn't sound quite right, now did it?

Mel said...

Love the new page!

Letting people in is so hard but you have the right attitude now. Loving and laughing...those are the few things that makes this scary world so much better.

Tbone said...

Thank you both for your props on my new layout...I am still learning how to be computer savvy!

Laughter is the best medicine and love, well it's fantastic!

Dollybird said...

I love you when you're leaky....the blog is great...I can see how it is therapeutic for you. I'll keep reading...

KellyNerd said...

I can totally understand... it seems everytime I brush up against someone I am the one that gets scraped! =)

kristin said...

I love this.

Those closest to me say that I let people in just so far as to where they think they know it all.. but know they don't. I guess that's just my way of protecting myself. Letting people see you for you is one of the hardest things I think we're given in life.