Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Plastic on the Sofa

You know those people who have their sofas covered in plastic so that they will forever look great and never sat on...I think I am turning into one of those people! Growing up I remember making fun of my girlfriend's parents because they would drape their nice furniture in ratty towels so that no spills or marks would get on them, and low and behold, my gal pal started doing the same thing, and I would tease the hell out of her. Well...when I decided to finally spend the money and invest in some new furniture, seeing as everything in my apartment is second hand, I decided on a dark red couch and cream chair. I love the colours and the pieces looked great against my yellow walls and other accessories, but I did not take into consideration that my dog is a golden yellow colour and my cat has black fur...oops! I don't let me dog on my furniture, but when I am not home I have no control. My cat chillaxes on the cream chair and the dog sprawls himself on the couch...so I come home to animal hair all over my beautiful furniture, argh! So I decided that when I go out I would throw and old sheet over the sofa. The idea is great, but when I get home, I keep the sheet on while I eat dinner because I don't want to spill on it (starting to sound like an old crazy couch lady hey), and now it has somehow become part of the sofa...it is so ugly with big Ivy leaves on it and dog drool stains. The only time I do take it off is when I clean the apartment or have company over...so I am not getting to enjoy my own furniture because I am suffering from an animal hair breakdown! So I am going to take the plunge and take that damn thing off as soon as I walk in the door of my apartment and appreciate the beautiful things I scrimped and saved for and enjoy it!!!

I was in my garden yesterday and took some photos of my flowers...enjoy!



Hmmm... that's a tough call for me too. The uber-anal-retentive-clean-nazi in me wants to shrink wrap and forever protect my beloved beautiful furniture but the anti-do-anything-your-mom-did in my wants to jump up and down all over it and enjoy it for what it is... an inanimate object that I "could" replace if someting earthshattering happend to it. I say jump girl...with food in one hand and your kitty in the other!

Ellegant said...

If my furniture was as nice as yours sounds, I would be the exact same way. But resist the urge to plasticize.. it'll take away from the beauty of the pieces. Just be extra careful :).


I LOVE the new blog look T... very nice!