Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dating for Dummies

So I did it. I finally registered myself on online dating. I have no idea what to expect but I am sure I will get some good laughs along the way. It would be nice to meet some new guys as the circle of friends that I have are either married, dating or don't really have any cute, funny, interesting boys for me, how sad. I have never really dated anyone. I was in a 10 year relationship and then jumped into another relationship shortly after for over a year and now I am single and a bit worried. I am 31years old and have no idea what the dating world is all about. How do you meet men? Do you go to the bar? Do you hang out at the grocery store? What if he catches me with tampons in my embarrassing or even worse what if he picked up some weird food items like pigs feet or blood sausage...ewww! So here I am...putting my hobbies, likes, dislikes and what I like to do for fun on some random message board where thousands of potentially interesting men or creepy weirdoes can check me out. I am nervous but intrigued. I really hope I don't to turn into one of those pathetic women who check their inbox everyday 5min to see if someone sent them a smile...oh god help me! I will post stories of this new and interesting experience just for shits and giggles. Stay tuned!


Beth said...

I wish I had some insightful pearls of wisdom for you, but I don't. I'm almost 29, single, and have no clue about dating, either. I've been thinking about joining an online dating service. I would be interested in knowing how that works out. Good luck!

Tbone said...

I will keep you posted. So far I sent two smiles to two cute boys who share my interests and they have replied. I am not really sure what to say...but I will post stories if they make the cut. Here's to us single gals!


Brett Lambert is single. And all you have to do is go up stairs and get him.

... but your new adventure in on-line-love-finding sounds fun too.

Tbone said...

Yes, Brett is nice...but not for me...thanks though!

brandy said...

I've met a few chaps in the grocery store. They've all been lovely, but a wee bit boring. The guys I meet in clubs tend to be lovely and a wee bit unstable. Go figure. Fingers crossed you find a happy medium!

Anonymous said...

I once had a (very hot) boyfriend who said he signed up just so he could contact me... and as soon as we had our first phone conversation the next day, he took his profile off of the site (as did I)...and didn't contact anyone else! So good can come of this... :) Wishing you some great fun!