Monday, May 28, 2007

Game called LIFE

I roll the dice onto the colourful board game of LIFE. I jump three spaces and pick up a card, read my clue and decide my next strategy. Do I drive ahead four spaces in my plastic car with missing holes of where my "husband and kids" should be hoping that around the next bend that cute boy with the tattoos, hot car, who is not afraid to cuddle in public, who has a great job and a cute dog is waiting for me? OR do I reverse three blocks back to take a chance on the one who broke my heart into so many pieces that I am is still kicking them across the floor when I move the couch to vacuum? I decide to move ahead four spaces, wait my turn, and roll again. Doubles! Here is my chance to by-pass the church and pass up picking up the kids to fill my back seat because I need room for my dog, and drudge on into the unknown. I sit in idle while I watch others play their game of LIFE. Some have filled the holes in their cars...others truck along without picking up a chance card, play it careful and continue on down the same red road with no hesitation only to finish the game without ever exiting off the freeway. The dice are passed to me and I toss them carelessly across the board. Snake eyes! I pick up another card from the heaping pile of LIFE's choices...what is my next move? After experiencing bumpy roads and wrong turns, I decide to reverse five blocks back. I park in front of a house with a white picket fence...I begin to I turn off the ignition get out and begin a life with missing pieces that I am not fully confident I will ever find again? Or do I get back into that car with the three empty holes, drive through the stop sign and get on the freeway to take the road less traveled? Is it still possible to win?


megabrooke said...

i really enjoyed this.


Wow T... when I talked you into starting this blog I had NO idea the different you I would discover through it. It's amazing how you can see someone every day for years and get to know them on one level but never quite really. You're an awesome writer. And you're such a cutie too.

Carrie said...

Oh the game called LIFE. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could actually sell our husbands and kids off for half a million dollars?

Kidding! Well...

Tbone said...

Thank you for the compliments and yes...sometimes I am sure there are women out there that feel that way...hehehe...only for a second of course!