Thursday, May 24, 2007

Giving up too soon?

So this online dating thing....there are no boys within an 80 mile radius of my hometown. I thought I would do a custom search...the results were terrible...maybe I am being too picky, or maybe this just isn't for me? Is it so bad to dream about being 'swept off your feet' by a handsome, funny, financially stable man that catches your eye from across the parking lot...comes over and tells you how beautiful you are and that he would love to take you out to a nice restaurant, drink great wine and cuddle on a beach and watch the I asking too much here people?! I guess so. Then I thought to myself...the woman is usually the one to make the first move. We are the ones that stare from across the room and give them a wink or a smile, we are the ones who have the courage to buy him a drink or make small talk...and we gals are the ones who decide who we are taking home. So why is it so damn hard for me? I guess hanging out with my dog and camping with girlfriends are limiting my options, but I don't have the desire to look, I want them to look for me. Maybe I am having a difficult time because my experience with men so far has been disappointing. I have been in two serious relationships. My first one was my high school sweetheart and that ended terribly. The second one was everything I wanted in a man, at least so I thought...and in the end I was sadly disappointed. They were both completely opposite people and if I had a giant magic wand...I would combine their best attributes and then I would have the perfect man! But the perfect man does not exist and ofcourse I am not perfect either. We all have our flaws, our dirty secrets, our insecurities. I just have to find the one who loves all my imperfections, wants a house with a yard and loves to travel...I will find him...oh yes...I will find him.


kristin said...

AMEN (to it all)!!

KellyNerd said...

The power of positive thinking... we are all sending positive thoughts to the 'one' to find you and sweep you off your feet! You deserve it!

Beth said...

A positive attitude goes a long way! And you aren't asking too much; it's just hard to find. If it was easy, then it wouldn't be so special and we wouldn't appreciate love so much.

Oh-and beautiful dog!

megabrooke said...

hang in there! it's great you're trying to boraden your horizons by the online dating thing. keep thinking positive. and like beth said, sometimes you just have to meet many many wrong guys, to realllly appreciate the right guy when he comes along.

and you are NOT asking for too much. picky is good.

Carrie said...

Hang tough sista - You know what you want and more importantly, what you DON'T and WON'T put up with. And that's so important for relationships, both with other people and yourself.

Keep at it girl - but don't forget to have fun in the process. It's like that Winnie the Pooh quote I love so much:

"If you want to find a needle in a haystack, go out and have fun. It will find you."

brandy said...

That's tough, but I agree with everyone else (this is the bonus to being a late commenter, you can just piggyback on everyone else's greatness!). Keep thinking good thoughts and if you find that perfect boy, ask him if he has a brother. For me!

MyDirtyLaundry said...

Lemme guess, LavaLife? :) I tried the online dating thing too. Hope you end up having better luck than I did.

gasp said...

hey tbone,
you shoulda come to the VIT tournament instead of checking out garden art. Althought, who knows, I met a really nice guy, I think, but he's playing it super cool, so of course I'm thinking, "what the ...?"


Tbone said...

Than you ladies for all the positive is sooo tough. nothing worse then getting online after the weekend to see the one guy you thought was longer emails...and all the others are, well, not my type. I will try to be patient.

Maria...what is the status on the boy?